Monday, June 2, 2008

Two Fish, Two Parties and Two Yoruba Dudes

So I'm back at the keyboard on a Monday, my hands still smelling of the french toast and turkey bacon I made for the boys. You know I've already got Byron on my couch. But two became three when my little godbrother Bawo came into town for a party at my godmother's house. Bawo is 19, a soon to be college sophomore from the Chi, a kid with a good head on head on his shoulders and a magnet for good fortune. We had more fun in one weekend than some folks have in a whole year.

From taking tequila shots with my godsister Jackie (just me not he) to getting involved in a heated group discussion about the dangers of Pisces (especially the women, which I've been a pathetic sucker for in the past) to playing Jenga until about four in the morning with Seda and the crew, it was definitely one to remember. This kid has a future ahead of him in the party department and when he's here I shall be his Yoda in the ways of navigating the New York nightlife.

Shouts to Che Grand for having me at his crib for that nice little rent party (until a certain somebody broke the speakers) and to Suzy for giving new meaning to hoarding as she walked around the whole party with the quart of Hennessy under her arm. There's nothing like having a good time with family. There's nothing like knowing how to see God in everything.

On Friday I had a meeting with my boss about the final six days of the job. As we found ourselves laughing about problem children, red tape and the work we managed to achieve in five months, she assured me that my girl probably learned more from me in the 90 minutes I have with them each day than they do the entire rest of the time they're in school. Something about those words moved me. Something even made me say that I might come back in the fall. Maybe I did get things accomplished. Maybe I should have noticed that no matter what they said that day before my girls always came back. And I never missed a day. So maybe, if my career as a scribe is washed up and ready for slaughter, I might see them again in the Fall. Who knows?

But the best thing about the last few days is that I've found my first collaborator for the Midnight's Children project, another experiment of mine that you'll be hearing more about in the upcoming months, an artist I've been trying to figure out how to work with for sometime. So I'm dedicated my evenings to doubling my work load instead of the usual clowning around. I'm such a dilligent boy. Ain't I? Cake by D 7-1-08. Out.

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