Monday, October 27, 2008

Pre-Flight Arrangements

I am standing in the darkness on a suburban street. The key enters the lock and I climb inside the cockpit of the ride I will most likely own in the very near future. I am measuring out the trunk space and storage capacity. I am making sure that the tape deck works so that I can have access to my Ipod. The seats feel good. The engine has been rebuilt. I can attach a bike rack to the rear to carry my baby on the exodus ahead.

I don't want a car but I need one. And as I have no intention of getting a car note before I own a house. She will do. My last automotive lady and I traveled up and down the East Coast a countless number of times and even to the Midwest. She was small but got 40 mpg back when ten bucks filled the tank for a week. I will have to give her a name. It isn't time to go yet but it's getting closer. And I can't wait.

I got my absentee ballot over the weekend. The one downside of moving when I did is that I won't get to walk to my old polling place on Jefferson and step into that booth. But with all the election shadiness I'm bracing myself for, maybe that's a good thing.

The Season Two finale of Mad Men was spectacular. The latest episode of Entourage was what I expected but nonetheless a needed boost. If Vinnie Chase can win then so can I. Still, like any saga there's always something else. The story wouldn't be interesting if there weren't another problem to solve.

I saw the full trailer for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last night and it looks pretty good. David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club, Zodiac) and Eric Roth (Munich, Forrest Gump, The Good Shepherd) have thrilled me far more times than they've disappointed for me. It wasn't until I checked last night that I saw that Roth is older than my parents and has been writings scripts since the late 70s. That's a career. I've got real work to do. Out.

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